Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blog: Social networking sites

Facebook is able to connect with friends and family by messages, tagging photos, links to videos or items, post status updates and able to share daily life activities. Facebook is generally a great way to connect people socially, since it gives the latest news and also able to get the up to date information on the people they care about. Twitter is able to post links, can inform people of matters instantly in short messages plus the link, or even post questions called tweets. It could be directed at people specifically and could follow whoever you like, when you do their stories will come up on their feed. There are only short messages that cannot excel 150 characters. Instagram is social media that can share your photos and videos with friends. Can upload videos and pictures instantly from a smart device. Before the picture is uploaded the user can edit it however they see fit before posting, or even enhancing it. Also can follow people and like them, similar to Facebook and Twitter. LinkedIn, is a social networking site for businesses seeking to hire certain positions. Or even have people who are beginning out have a solid resume online, can list past job positions and education. My impression of these sites is they are amazing for all of them as they are able to connect people throughout the world, has some bad points for the first three. Such that everything is being posted online, nothing is private anymore, even if people put photos or videos are private it is still possible to bypass that.  

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