Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Blog: P2P

Filing sharing is sharing files with others such as audio, images, videos, documents like drobox. If someone has the link they could download or view the content. The article from wired “The Bittorrent Effect”, and P2p file sharing the best example would be Bit torrent. Bit torrent can download large files to the computer, but those files are usually pirated, copy righted, has virus or worms.  P2P is file sharing without a care as long as it is convenient to everyone, like downloading the newest video game or movie. Peer 2 peer what that is the file is already on a user’s account, so someone else downloads the magnet link for the torrent and a Peer to peer app. At that point it is transferring the files from peer to peer. Other examples of P2p file sharing are LimeWire, Napster and other torrent apps.

Blog: Wiki So Far

What I have done to contribute to our wiki class is the subject of Mobile Apps Development. First with what are mobile apps, how mobile apps is so important to society; economic, technological, and educational wise. Like being able to visit the doctor via online chat if the patient is unable to physically go. Other sections I completed in Mobile apps development but smaller categories, like News app, Cuny Alert, Amber Alert. I have some peer to peer payments app discussed in there, some in the United States, international like PayPal or regional like M-Pasia. And social media apps section about how it is making people less sociable, irritant and so on. Added some information on the topic education, with educational applications CUNY using Blackboard, CUNY FIRST, and other educational institutions started using QR codes.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Blog: Privacy

Issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media used in an article from CACM, "information Privacy: Changing Norms and Expectations" by Daniel Reed, it goes into detail how incredible the internet has grown to the length that we have no more privacy or confidentiality anymore. Every time we share our pictures of ourselves or family, we are throwing our privacy out the window. We expect things to go a certain way just because in the social media setting we set it says it will. But in reality there are so much small text to read into, and those boundaries between friends, family, and coworker’s lines can blend when relaxing together, with it leaking into conversations or shown that were supposed to be confidential at work or other outings to others. Such as at a party where an explicit photo taken and is shown that could ruin or make others look towards you differently. A better example would be Anthony Weiner with him sexting several times and in a case a teenage girls father reported him to the police as he found pornographic photos of Anthony on her phone.